Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Brain of Bath Quiz. “Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios” won with a clear lead, carrying away the coveted title and trophy of the Brain of Bath.
Do you and your colleagues have what it takes to win the coveted Brain of Bath quiz title?
Could your team be the winners of the Brain of Bath 2025?
Don’t let your colleagues miss out on this distinguished and challenging quiz where you can test your knowledge and pit your wits against fellow businesses.
This is a great choice for your team building event, corporate entertainment for your clients, a great evening out for your team, and perhaps a unique and fun idea for your corporate giving.
Expect a great atmosphere with music and picture rounds, a stellar celebrity quiz master or mistress, plenty of audience participation – and of course, our famous “smells round”!
We’ll also be serving a light supper with tea and coffee to finish. Drinks are available at the bar.
Your contribution and attendance help us to support some of the most vulnerable men and women in society. Together we aren’t just changing lives, but saving lives. Your support really makes a difference.
Could you organise this for your team as a team social or team building exercise? Or perhaps you want to build stronger relationships with some of your best clients? It is really easy to join – just fill out the form below, pay your deposit, choose your teammates, and come – we will organise the rest.
We have two different donation packages available – all of which include all the benefits listed above (light supper and tea/coffee etc.):
- A company package for £550 for 10 people.
- For smaller teams, there is the opportunity for a half table of five people for £275 – and we will match you with another smaller team to make a table of 10.
To register interest for Brain of Bath 2025: email Gavin.Osborn@julianhouse.org.uk
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