
Manvers Street Hostel

Julian House has a range of homelessness services that provide real opportunity and support to prevent people from sleeping rough or to come in directly off the streets. Manvers St Hostel, in Bath, provides 20 beds with 24-hour staff support. We ensure that people sleeping rough can come in and be welcomed by staff who are keen to support each person to recover from homelessness.  

What can you expect?

  • Food, warmth and clothing in a safe space with access to a GP and/or nurse through our Homeless Healthcare Team
  • Support to access specialist services around supporting and improving your mental health and/or access to substance misuse services
  • Referrals to move-on accommodation such as the private rented sector, hostels, social housing, and reconnecting with family and social networks.

Building trusting relationships with clients is central to our successful resettlement outcomes. We engage and enable residents through encouraging their ownership and involvement in the services available. The service provided is dynamic in offering choice and variety, we provide resident-led activities as a route into pre-employment courses leading to formal training, education and employment.

Access Information

Route In: The hostel is free to access and people may self-refer/present at the door. Local connection policies do apply. Wherever possible, please call before arriving to check on vacancies. 

Email: Manversstreet@julianhouse.org.uk 

Call: 01225 311991 

Address: Julian House, Manvers Street Hostel, Manvers Street, Bath, BA1 1JW 
