Our 20 bed hostel in Bath provides free accommodation, food and shower facilities as well as support for clients to move away from rough sleeping.
Our outreach teams work on the streets ensuring anyone who has been forced to sleep rough, understands the options available to come in.
We have specialist support and refuge accommodation for men, women, and children escaping domestic abuse
We have a number of sites that provide accommodation to individuals at risk of homelessness.
Work experience and training for adults experiencing homelessness and those experiencing long-term unemployment.
Support for refugees to settle into life in the UK, including help with finances, accessing health services, employment and more.
We provide support and accommodation for prison leavers, including training opportunities to return to work.
We provide addiction recovery and mental health support as well as supported accommodation.
We provide support and accommodation for individuals with learning difficulties.
We work with Gypsy, Showpeople, Roma, Boater and Traveller communities to provide support and help them access services.
Our Bike Workshops provide build-a-bike courses that help individuals build on skills to help them into employment.
Housing and benefits advice for patients who find themselves at risk of homelessness on discharge from hospital.
We offer a varied timetable of activities, drop-ins and events which promote independence, wellbeing and social inclusion.
You can find more information about the locations we work in and which projects and services are run where.